Corporate Social Responsibility

Finproject has always been committed to and invested in the protection of health, the environment and local areas where the company has operations, at every level of its organization.

We work in a market

shaped by powerful development forces and delicate environmental balances.

That is why our benchmarks are the needs of our customers and the protection of an environmentally sustainable system.

Responsible Care: Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability

Associated through the “Green Compound” brand with the PVC information centre’s Compound Group, the Finproject Compounds Division also subscribes to Federchimica’s Responsible Care Program, which promotes chemical industry commitment to compliance with and the promotion of health, safety and environmental sustainability policies.

Finproject Industries pursue this goal on a daily basis through an in-house program to develop eco-sustainable machines that recover and reuse industrial products and waste, through the extensive use of photovoltaic power systems in the Group’s factories, through the introduction and observance of strict prevention procedures designed to ensure product and workplace safety, and through continuous research into green compound formulations and manufacturing processes.

We support VinylPlus®'s sustainable programme

Finproject SpA is a member of the VinylPlus Italy, an advocate of the European PVC industry’s voluntary commitment to sustainable development aimed at creating a sustainable economic model in line with the European Union’s environmental policies.


Finproject believes it is essential to pursue the satisfaction of its customers, its employees and all stakeholders through the constant improvement of business processes, the protection of people’s health and safety in the workplace, and sustainable and socially responsible action.Consistent with this approach, finproject has embarked on a path that has led to the achievement of important, internationally recognised certifications in quality, safety, social responsibility and energy.